Jennifer Coleman-Peers

Chief Executive Officer

With more than 18 years in the charity sector, Jennifer has dedicated her career to working with organisations that have social justice at their heart.

She started out as a graduate trainee at the NSPCC, spending nine years with the Society in fundraising focussed roles. She then spent seven years helping to establish the Institute of Imagination, an innovative organisation focused on ensuring children and their families are supported to develop the skills they will need to thrive in an uncertain future. Prior to joining Phoenix in 2021, Jennifer was Interim Chief Executive of the Voices Foundation, a national charity committed to transforming music education so every child can find their voice, where she has helped them successfully navigate the impact of Covid-19.

Jennifer has always been actively engaged with the sector; she is Trustee of Together Women, is a regular speaker at conferences, acts as a mentor and was founding Chair of a Special Interest Group for the Institute of Fundraising. Jennifer believes that Margaret Mead was right when she said the committed citizens can change the world, and she is passionate about creating the right conditions and opportunities for that change to happen.