Statement from Phoenix Dance Theatre in response to the anniversary of the murder of George Floyd
A year ago, George Floyd was murdered, and the black members of our company were left hurt, heavy and isolated, having to connect over zoom to process individual and collective trauma.
A year on they are still processing, reflecting and traumatised. Phoenix Dance Theatre acknowledge, as a company, that we need to stop being reactive and start being more proactive in matters pertaining to racial inequalities.
We hold our hands up.
We understand that we need to take an active role and be a part of the change that we so wish to see in our industry and our wider society.
We know we are here because of the revolutionary steps that our founders made.
Collectively we recognise that we are strong in some areas but have failed in others. We are working hard to strengthen our purpose so we can best serve the community.
The company is committed to progressing the conversation and developing by connecting, collaborating and consulting with other organisations.
We do not have the answers but are dedicated to being a beacon of change for progressing the conversation so that the next generation do not inherit the injustices and inequalities that we face today.